Publié le : 12-07-2024
Type : Projet
Libourne, France, and Diembering, Senegal, confirmed their commitment to cooperation at an event held on July 10, 2024 in Libourne. This cooperation aims to promote sustainable agricultural and food systems in both territories, based on exchanges of knowledge and know-how. Agrisud International, a Libourne-based NGO, is the operator.
A promising cooperation project for the 2 communes
The event, which took place at the Le Liburnia theater, was attended by almost 80 people, including local and regional elected representatives, teachers, private operators, citizens... as well as Agrisud employees from 10 countries.
In their speeches, the mayors of Libourne and Diembering expressed their ambition to set up and gradually develop meaningful relations between the two territories, involving local players.
For Philippe Buisson, Mayor of Libourne, “decentralized cooperation is not a funding window for projects, but a relationship that links local authorities and is fueled by the implementation of actions”.
In a pre-recorded message, Léopold Abba Diatta, mayor of Diembering, said: “I am convinced that this decentralized cooperation will contribute to the harmonious development of our two communities (...). The fields of action of the city of Libourne cover areas of great importance to us, and we are enthusiastic about the idea of collaborating with them in these areas”. .
The Région Nouvelle-Aquitaine welcomed this initiative, which is in line with the actions it has already been carrying out with Agrisud for several years: “I salute the exemplary dynamism of the town of Libourne. We will try to promote this model to other local authorities of comparable size, to encourage them to take on similar initiatives”, said Pascal Duforestel, Regional Councillor for International Cooperation for the Nouvelle-Aquitaine Region.

Common goals for healthy, sustainable food
Cooperation between Libourne and Diembering will focus on a number of priorities, including :
- Reinforcing agricultural professionalization initiatives in Diembering, particularly in the areas of market gardening, food crops and livestock breeding.
- Support for the development of the artisanal fishing sector in Diembering, by promoting access to markets and improving fishing techniques.
- Setting up new sales channels for local produce, in conjunction with school canteens and local markets.
- The sharing of knowledge and know-how between the populations of the two territories, in terms of preserving biodiversity, sustainable management of natural resources and healthy, sustainable food.
This project, born of a strong political will, marks an important step for Libourne, which becomes the first medium-sized town in France to commit to such an approach. “Libourne is fortunate enough to host the international headquarters of Agrisud, and it was important for us to strengthen our ties with this NGO through a partnership in the field. Regions or large cities often seal cooperation projects, but it's rare to see communes get involved”, explained Philippe Buisson, mayor of Libourne.
At a time when global challenges seem more pressing than ever, decentralized cooperation is asserting itself as an indispensable tool for building a more sustainable world based on solidarity. “This form of cooperation, which is established between local authorities in different countries, makes it possible to forge close links and implement concrete actions in the field, based on the realities and needs of local populations”, emphasized Joël Lebreton, President of Agrisud International.

Find out more about our actions in Senegal :
- Revitalizing agricultural production on family farms in the Diourbel and Fatick regions
- Setting up and developing local supply chains with the Club Med Cap Skirring village
Alongside the official ceremony, a photo exhibition showcased the achievements of Agrisud International in Senegal, where the NGO supports family farms to improve production and the sale of produce on local markets. Over 2,600 VSEs have been supported over the past 15 years.