• Publié le : 23-02-2023

  • Type : Projet

The GTAE - Groupe de travail sur les transitions agroécologiques (Working Group on Agroecological Transitions): Agrisud, AVSF, Cari and GRET, has published a methodological guide to assess the effects and conditions for the development of agroecology. This book, which is intended for development actors, aims to promote sustainable agriculture on a large scale.

Assessing agroecology to facilitate its development

Agroecology ensures a sustainable development of farm activities and responds to several global challenges: food security, generation of stable income, adaptation to climate change, preservation of biodiversity... . 

All over the world, many examples illustrate the multiple technical, economic and ecological performances, but this is not enough for agroecology to develop in a global way.

This guide on the evaluation of agroecology has a double objective:

  • Improving the support of farms in their agroecological transition, by providing decision support based on the results of practices 
  • Producing references to document the benefits of agro-ecology for farms, the economy, the climate and the environment

It is intended for development actors in charge of designing and implementing projects, programs and public policies in favor of agroecology. 

A method based on a multitude of experiences around the world

Developed in association with actors who accompany the agroecological transition in different countries and actors from the academic world, the method takes into account the specificities of each territory and the diversity of agricultural production systems. 

This is its main advantage! It adapts to field realities and to a wide variety of situations in order to:

  • on the one hand, to assess the effects of agroecological practices and systems on the agri-environmental and socio-economic levels 
  • on the other hand, to evaluate the conditions for the development of agro-ecology


This book, co-published by Quae and Gret, is the result of a collaboration between the GTAE - Groupe de travail sur les transitions agroécologiques (Agrisud International, AVSF, Cari and GRET) and AgroParisTech, CIRAD, IRD and Institut Agro Montpellier. 

It was produced with the financial support of the Agence Française de Développement (AFD), the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), the Conseil Départemental des Hauts-de-Seine, the Foundation Ensemble and Gret.


An English version of the guide is planned

Consult the guide online (in French)
Buy the paper version (in French)

Read the press release (in French)